About Me

My name is Alicia and I'm an elephant-adoring feminist who loves to cook and bake.  I genuinely never thought that those words would be a working definition of who I am, but that pretty much sums it up.  As most love stories begin, my fascination with elephants first started because they're just-so-darn-cute. My love for elephants is now slightly less superficial, as I've come to find that I relate to them on some level.  Elephants live in matriarchal herds, with an older female elephant as the leader. As a feminist living in our patriarchal society, this gives me all sorts of warm and fuzzy feelings.  Elephants also spend about 16 hours a day eating. I do not, for clarification, spend 16 hours a day eating, but I enjoy cooking and baking (new hobbies for me) and of course eating (not a new hobby). I find it oddly relaxing.  So, I probably spend close to 16 hours a day eating, cooking, baking, and thinking/dreaming about the three.  Oh, and of course, I'm majestic, have a large brain, never forget, and am just-so-darn-cute like the elephant too...

I'm starting this blog as I finish up my senior year of college and get ready to spread my wings and leave that comfy nest where mom still makes you breakfast and does your laundry.  No, I am not spoiled.  I intend for this to be a collection of feminist ramblings, recipes, and of course anything I find related to elephants that I simply must share with the world whoever actually read this. So, I hope you enjoy and be sure and leave your comments, even if you don't enjoy; I've got thick skin.

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